Monday, January 14, 2008

Back to School

I am back at school now, and I am really excited. I think God is going to do some incredible things this semester. What they are, I don't know. But God always does incredible work.
I am most excited about seeing my friends here again. They are such a blessing to me, and I am so glad to see them again. Chris Krycho and I are going to work out together throughout the semester which really makes me excited. He has become a dear friend, and he challenges me to be more like Christ every day. So the more I am with hime the better. Then there is Todd, my room mate, who is so excited about life all the time. His enthusiam compensates for my relaxed behavior. He definately makes our room more exciting. I have really enjoyed seeing both of them. I am looking forward to seeing my other friends more, and growing in Christ with them more.
Then there is class. I am actually looking forward to my classes. I am taking 17 hours this semester. My classes are Sociology of the Family, Social Statistics, Greek, The Great American West, and Resident Adviser. The last class is so I can apply to get at job as an RA next fall. This is a huge answer to prayer for me. I really want to live in the dorms next fall, but I can't afford to without getting a job like this. So pray that I can get the job! I feel like in order for me to do what I feel God wants me to do on campus I need to be on campus. So I am excited about that. Chris is helping out a lot with it since he is a RA.
I am also looking forward to Glorieta. The BSU goes there for spring break, and it is the biggest reason I came to OU. I can't wait for our time there. It is going to be awesome!
Really the only downfall about the semester is that it limits my time with Lauren. But fortunately we will be able to see each other on Thursday's and on the weekend.
Needless to say I am really excited about the semester.


John and Becky Henderson said...

I'm so glad you are looking forward to this semester. It seems like everyone I know who is in school is going to have a busy and challenging semester. I have a lot to pray for! I can't wait to hear what the Lord is going to do for you and through you this spring!

Beth said...

Hey Britt! It sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy this semester. Enjoy these college days, they go by fast.