Sunday, February 24, 2008

Clarification for what Choleric and Phlegmatic are

I took a personality test last fall. And the 4 personalities are Choleric, Phlegmatic, Sanguine, and Meloncholy. I tested as a Phlegmatic Meloncholy/Saguine. The first personality is your strongest and the second is your secondary personality. I had two strong secondary personalities.

But Cholerics are people who are very organized, in charge, and have to be doing something pretty much all the time. If you know Merideth at all, you know that is her. Phlegmatics are very laid back, go with the flow, not organized type people. Plus we are the easiest to get along with, especially when you throw some Sanguine in there. And if you know me, which you do, that very much describes me. Sanguines are the life of the party, they love attention, are somewhat dissorganized, and are more go with the flow. And Meloncholies are more organized, will take charge if they need to, and don't mind attention.

So, I hope that answers your question. You can google personality tests and take one yourself. It is really good. It helps you see what you need to work on. For us, as Christians, we should try to become as balanced in all of these as possible. So that is part of the reason I took the test. I think it is a good thing to do.

Also, and this is off topic, but I encourage you to go to First Southerns website ( and listen to Pastor Tony's sermons last week and this week when they come up. He has been on fire, and the church is responding! I think it would be a good thing for you all to hear.


Anonymous said...

well..... considering i really couldn't read those two words in your title i just skipped the entire entry. you need pics or something. but i still love you! even tho i don't want to read about you! :) have a good day!

Anonymous said...
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MayberryOK said...

Well, that clears everything up. I'm something between a penguin and a watermelon.

Thanks for the opportunity to meet last night. I hope you don't feel too "browbeaten" by the conversation as I think I may have been a little too "direct."

You're a good man, Britton Clay.

Anonymous said...

I will bring my camera and we can take some pictures this weekend and you can post them. Just to make your sister happy! :-)

John and Becky Henderson said...

hey britt,
I got to listen to Tony's message and I love to hear him when I can.....It sounds to me like more of the same, just different and new innovative way to say what He has been preaching about. I keep praying and hoping that First Southern will catch the vision and reach OKC and surrounding areas like a tidal wave. Keep pressing on!
looking forward to when our paths cross again

Anonymous said...

and making me happy is all that counts!! :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!