Monday, April 21, 2008


The last week or so I have been trying to focus on school. I have done well at times, but not so well at others. I feel like I have a ton to do. I have 2 papers for my history class do in the next 2 weeks. I have Greek homework and corrections to make, and I have a lot of reading I have to do. So the next 2 or 3 weeks probably won't be the most fun. But we will see. Hopefully I can do well.

I have also been trying to fix my financial situation here. I have not been able to take out a loan to pay off the rest of my schooling because FAFSA still hasn't sent my information through. I finally was able to just fix the problem over the phone and it should be here by tomorrow. Then I will be able to enroll for next fall.

I might take a class this summer. I know have to take at least one extra class next year, and if I can just get that done over the summer while working full time that would be nice.

I haven't found out about the RA job yet, but I am definately praying that will happen. Thanks for all of your prayers in that manner. I appreciate it. I know that whatever I end up doing next year it will be good. So, I am just trusting God there.

Other than school not a lot has happened. My 22nd birthday was last Wednesday, and it was good. It was different because it really wasn't any different than any other day besides all the messages on "Facebook" and phone calls I received. I did go to dinner with some friends, and that was a lot of fun. On Friday I went to dinner with the family and Lauren which was nice. We had a good time. God has been so good to me in the past year, and I just thank Him for that.

Thanks for the cards and money for those of you who sent me that. I appreciate it a lot. I haven't completely decided what I am going to do with it yet. But I am leaning towards using it to buy my seasong tickets for football next fall. Boomer Sooner!!

That's all for now.


Beth said...

Good to hear from you! So, in the midst of everything else going on, how is the job hunt? You know I love you lots!!!

John and Becky Henderson said...

What are seasong tickets???

Like I keep telling John...just hang in there for a few more weeks and then you can relax! (And everyone will be home!!!!)

britt said...

Season tickets for football!

Yah! I know! I can't wait!