Saturday, April 26, 2008

RA Job

I got a RA job. I am going to work in the Safe Walk department, which is different than a floor RA. Basically it is the same pay and benefits with less work, which is good. I am going to be helping people around campus if they need help, basically. So, I am excited! I am going to live in the Cate dorms which is just north of where I am now at Walker.

Thanks for your prayers. This is something that I was really praying for a lot. I am really looking forward to it.


Chris Krycho said...

Less work in some ways, definitely; it'll still take up a ton of your time. That said, we're probably going to have to find a different workout schedule for the days you have Safewalk, b/c there's no way you're going to want to get up at 6 am. :p


Beth said...

Congratulations Britt! I can't wait to see you in less than two weeks!!!

Anonymous said...

I would just like to say, once again, *YEAAH!!!!* :D