Sunday, April 13, 2008

Prayer Request

I don't know if you all know this but Gabriel Lyons mom passed away April 2, 2008. She was such a sweet lady, and an encouragement to everyone she came in contact with. Be praying for the Lyon family. Gabe is a good friend of mine, and you know Christina, and Caleb, also.

I talked to Gabe tonight at church they seem to be doing as well as they can considering the situaion. Her death was a complete shock, and it will take a long time to get over that shock.

I don't know all the details about her death, but I do know that not too long ago she had surgery on her back and had some complications. She was recovering from thoughs, however. She noticed something on her leg and was scheduled to go to the doctor the week she died. But that night Mr. Lyons was walking her to their room, and when he sat her down she closed her eyes never to wake up again. That is all I know, and I am sure that you are just as surprised as I.

So, be praying for them. They are such godly people, and I love them dearly, and I know you do too.

Sorry I had not mentioned this earlier. I had planned to, but things have been somewhat busy lately.


Beth said...

Mom did tell me about her death. I am definitely praying for them, and plan to drop a card in the mail to William and Christina if I can get there address.

BTW, did you get a birthday card from me yet? I sent it to Mom and Dad's.

britt said...

Yes, I did! Thanks a lot! I am not sure what I will do with the money, but when I do I will let you know.

John and Becky Henderson said...

Ummm....I'm not as "on the ball" as Beth...but I have actually bought a card and will put it in the mail this morning....also to Mom and Dad's. :-)

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