Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Just to let you know, I can't find my phone. So if you have tried to call me in the past couple of days and I haven't answered or called back, that is why.

I'll let you know when I find it.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Last week was an amazing week. It was fun, challenging, and life changing. I was able to hang out with friends, learn about missions, God, and people, and I was able to get away from the rest of the world. It was great. There is a lot that God taught me, so buckle up.

One of the very first things our speaker told us was "Serving God is not a matter of location, it is a matter of obedience." This was a really good reminder for me. Sometimes I can get caught up in the thought that God is not going to use me as much here in the US as He will over seas. But that is a lie. God wants to use me just as much, if not more, here as any place on earth. So that set the tone for the week for me.

Suffering was the main topic of the week. It was really heavy stuff. Especially after 4 days of listening about different types of suffering, and why people are afraid of sharing the Gospel in different areas of the world. It was really good, and eye opening. But it really weighs on your heart. Once all of our sessions were done, and I was able to sit and meditate on what God was teaching me, I was really broken. On Monday, I wrote in my journal, " This week at Glorieta has been amazing, challenging, convicting, and heart breaking." And that is the honest truth. I was really struggling that day. I felt depressed because of the things that were being said. Not that they were bad, but I was really thinking that I had a lot to work on. And I do.

One of the first questions presented to us was "Is Jesus worth it?" In my heart I truly do believe this. Jesus is worth everything to me. But, I was challenged with the stories told of people who really lived that out. When our speaker told us that the needs of the lost are greater than the needs of the witnesser or believer. I realized that I had not been doing what God has called me to do as effectively as I should. I have been trying to build relationships with guys on my hall. I have prayed for them, talked to some of them, but I have never really been able to talk to them about Christ. And I think that has been because I am trying to do things on my terms and not God's. I am not really good at meeting people where they are. That is what Christ does, though. He meets us where we are. So I am going to try a lot harder to be with the guys on my hall when they are actually doing things. Not when I am not doing something. And I know that that will mean giving some time up with my other friends, but I believe it will be worth it.

Another thing that the speaker went over is excuses for people not to share the gospel with people in Muzlim and Islamic culture. One of the reasons was that they did not want those people to become Christians. So I was thinking that is not me. But as I thought about it some more I discovered I had a similar mentality. Sometimes I just don't want to witness to people. I get lazy and have no desire to share God's love with them. So what makes me any different than the person who says they don't want those people to become Christians. We learned that the greatest form of persecution is not telling people of Christ's love for them. Wow! That kind of sucks. So I really need to take advantage of every opportunity to share that gospel with people . Just like I Peter 3:15 in my post before.

The man who spoke has done a ton of research. He has interviewed hundreds of people from what I could tell. And his information was really good. He told about Muzlim culture and some of their reasoning for becoming Christians, and it will break your heart to hear these things. But they are important, because Satan is using them as obsticles for them to have to get around to truly know Christ. Also they are difficult for the missionaries to get around because of the warpe view that the people have of Christianity. The biggest thing for me was the fact that a lot of younger adults become "Christians" out of hatred for their dads. That was really hard to here because I can't relate to that. I have an amazing dad who challenges me to become more like Christ. Not to turn on him and do something that would absolutely dishonor him. But how do you tell them that what they are doing is wrong. I mean we have people here who say they are Christians all the time. But not for that reason. So things like that really just got to me as he spoke.

He also talked a lot about how to do mission work. It really changed my perception of mission work. All my life I have thought that I would go and evangelize a group of people that has never heard the gospel before and raise them up to be strong Christians. But that is not the way to do it. He talked about living the life of a Christian and having a native who is a Christian evangelise his people. Of course if they have never heard the gospel before you have to evangelise them to an extent, but ultimately it is the native people who are going to be able to relate to them the best. So if we can get one or two of them to become Christians and evangelise the rest of their people that is more effective. Also we are not to necessarily be the ones to baptise them. For some reason they think that if a missionary baptises them their christianity is more important or better. So we should let the natives do that. My job is to take the word of God in oral form and tell the stories of the Bible, and to tell the poeple to watch my life to see how a Christian is to live. He really emphasized presenting the Bible in oral form because 80% of the lost world is illiterate, and they can hear something one time and remember all of it. That is amazing! Especially since literacy is such a big deal here in America. But to be able to tell them the Scriptures in a way they can understand is really important.

One more thing that really stuck out to me is when he said not to give up in freedom what you would not give up in persecution. Satan brings about persecution so that we will shut up. Here in America we have not been persecuted, but we have been shut up under our own agreement. People keep saying that America is going to see persecution soon, but why would we if we aren't doing anything to deserve persecution. Most Christians don't share their faith with people. A lot, if not most, aren't even in the word. So why would Satan persecute us? That was really challenging for me because it made me realize that I have a fear of man. If I am ever going to go over seas I must overcome that. I must take action and live a life of obedience to God.

So that some of what I learned at Glorieta. The last couple of days were really fun. We were able to do whatever we wanted really. And I played a lot of cards and went to Sante Fe and stuff. But it was nice just to be with people for those last few days.

I did not post the speakers name simply because he is a very important person for his organization, and lives in an area where he could very easily face a lot of persecution if they found out what he was doing. If you want to know his name, call me.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I am pretty excited about a lot of things right now. Mainly Glorieta. But there are other things too. Such as March Madness, and things taking place in OKC (They are going to build a new sky scraper, and I like tall buildings. I know, I am weird.), and just knowing that I am doing what God wants me to do.

But yesterday I realized that I get really excited about the things like March Madness and tall buildings, and they don't even matter. I don't think it is wrong to be excited about that, but sometimes I am more excited about those things than the things of God. So I am trying to change that.

Two verses come to mind. Matthew 6:33 says "But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you." When I get excited about things other than God more than I should, I don't do this. Colosians 3 talks about seeking what is above and not what is on earth. So I first of all have to remind myself that these things on earth don't really matter, and I should keep seeking God with all my heart and the passion that I seek those things with.

Another verse I have been meditating on lately is I Peter 3:15, "But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account of the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence." So basically Christ must be placed higher than anything else in my life in order for me to be effective. And as I do this I need to be ready for the opportunities He gives me to testify about His grace. So that is exciting also.

I think God has been showing me this for a while, but I am slow. Last night was a good reminder at Paradigm, as was my quiet time yesterday. But I am really looking forward to next week and seeing how God continues to show me this at Glorieta.

Other than that, life is good. I am done with mid terms and I think I did alright. I have been a little sick, but I am feeling better. And things with Lauren continue to go well. I am always learning about how to go about our relationship, and some things are harder for me than some would think. But I am learning to do those things that don't come as naturally to me as a lot of people. So things are going well.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Sunday, March 2, 2008, was a really good day. Church was great once again, I was able to go home and see dad, the kids, and Lauren. Then Oklahoma weather came into play. I really like thunder-storms. I think they are really awesome. I am not sure why, but I think they are great, as long as I am inside.

Last night Lauren and I went her Grandma Phillis' house to have desert (which ended up being dinner) and visit. It was a lot of fun. Then all of the sudden bam... it is raining like crazy outside. Then the sirens went off. It was great, except for the fact that I had to take Lauren home, get my laundry from the house, and pick up my room mate Todd from the airport. All within 2 hours and right in the middle of this huge storm.

So I took Lauren home, and went home to get my laundry. I walk back out to the car to go get Todd and I open the garage door, and it was like we were in a hurricane. In my weird mind it was like trying to walk through an acquarium withouth the fish because there was no seperation between the rain drops. At least it didn't feel like it. I threw all of my stuff in the car and got in. I was safe... kind of.

You know, my car is a convertable. It is great. The chicks dig it. It is sweet looking. And it is a stick. It is great, and I am very greatful for it. But you know what, you don't feel as safe in thunderstorms in it. I think if lightning would have hit the car, I would have died. So I was scared.

I took off going a blazing 30 mph on 59th. I could barely see. I get to Sunnylane, and I am doing fine. I get on the highway, and flash... I can't see anything. Lightning had struck at least once really close to me. It was freaky! But I was thinking about it later on, and I thought, "You know, that must have been a glimps of what God's glory is like. BLINDING! AWESOME! SCARY! I mean seriously God said to Moses that no one could see His face and live. I don't know all that entails, but I think that a lot of it is because His glory is just that powerful. And then when Moses returned from the mountain to the Israelites, his face was radiant because he had been with God. That is cool.

Then there is when Jesus reveals His glory to Peter, James, and John. The Bible says Jesus' robe became whiter than any man could bleach it. That is cool. There was nothing surrounding them but Christ's glory. And it was bright. Really bright.

Chris told me a verse that verifies that God's glory is similar to a flash of lightning. But I can't remember what it is. So I decided to go to biblegateway.com. It is great. And I found a really good verse for what I felt in that moment. Psalms 97:4 says, "His lightning lit up the world, the earth saw and trembled." That is definately what I was feeling at that moment. It is great! Especially since I was just teaching about fearing God in Sunday school (that thought just popped into my mind). I was definately scared at that time. But I also prayed very intently that God would protect me, and He did. He never fails in doing that. Once I passed I-35, the rain lit up quite a bit, and there was no more lightning. I was very releaved. But I did learn from my experience.

So now I have a little better understanding of what God's glory is truly like: blinding, awesome, and scary.