I took a personality test last fall. And the 4 personalities are Choleric, Phlegmatic, Sanguine, and Meloncholy. I tested as a Phlegmatic Meloncholy/Saguine. The first personality is your strongest and the second is your secondary personality. I had two strong secondary personalities.
But Cholerics are people who are very organized, in charge, and have to be doing something pretty much all the time. If you know Merideth at all, you know that is her. Phlegmatics are very laid back, go with the flow, not organized type people. Plus we are the easiest to get along with, especially when you throw some Sanguine in there. And if you know me, which you do, that very much describes me. Sanguines are the life of the party, they love attention, are somewhat dissorganized, and are more go with the flow. And Meloncholies are more organized, will take charge if they need to, and don't mind attention.
So, I hope that answers your question. You can google personality tests and take one yourself. It is really good. It helps you see what you need to work on. For us, as Christians, we should try to become as balanced in all of these as possible. So that is part of the reason I took the test. I think it is a good thing to do.
Also, and this is off topic, but I encourage you to go to First Southerns website (fsbcdc.tv) and listen to Pastor Tony's sermons last week and this week when they come up. He has been on fire, and the church is responding! I think it would be a good thing for you all to hear.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Hey everyone. Sorry it has been a while since I have blogged. Life has been somewhat busy the last couple of weeks.
I really don't have anything that is like burning inside of me to share. Not a lot has happened. Life is good though. Lauren and I are doing really well. We are going to get to spend more time than usual with each other this weekend. She is going to a women's retreat with the BSU, and they will be staying here in Norman. So, when they are finished we are going to hang out some.
Last Sunday I started teaching the Freshman college students with Merideth Dake. I am really excited about what God is going to do. Everyone seems excited about it. It will be a lot of fun. Especially since Merideth and I are so different in a lot of ways, but our thinking is pretty much in line all the time.
She is an amazing communicator/speaker. One of the best in the country for our age groupe...literally. Where as I am not. I am a terrible speaker, and shy away from it. But I really want the students to grow in their passion for Christ, so I am more than willing to help. Merideth is choleric, and I am flegmatic. That is all there is to it. But I think it will be really good.
There is one thing that I really have been praying for lately. That is that God would reveal His glory and power at OU. I want to see OU have a spiritual awakening. I have been reading in I and II Kings lately, and God has really been showing me a lot of things. In I Kings 18:20-46 the story of Elijah proving God a LORD is told. And it really has just stuck with me. I read it again last night, and some things stuck out even more.
1st of all the way Elijah prepared the alter was extremely impressive to me. Israel was in the middle of a droubt, and he had buckets and buckets of water poured on the alter until the ground was soaking wet. It wasn't like the people of Israel had a lot of water to just give to a sacrifice that would not work. They were in the middle of a three year droubt. So them doing thing was sacrificial on their part.
Then Elijah's prayer was powerful. I asked that the LORD of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel answer him. He had been obedient to God, now he wanted God to show His people the He alone is God, that their hearts may turn back to Him.
Then God's fire. It consumed everything that it touched. It took up all of th water, dust, and stones on the groud. That would be so awesome! His people could not help but fall facedown and worship Him.
Lastly God's blessing. God sent rain for the first time in 3 years to his people.
So, my thought is that in order to see revival anywhere we have to take the steps that Elijah did. There is obviously more to the story and life of Elijah that is not told here. But he allowed God to do His will through him. Then he prepared himself for the time that God would make Himself known. He prayed diligent and with conviction for the people of Israel to fear God again. And he waited on God's perfect timing.
There are others praying for this to happen also. And we are starting to passionately pursue God in this matter. We are tired of the stronghold Satan has had on this campus since its conception, and we want God to do an incredible work in the lives of His people. So join us in praying for OU. But also pray that God will use you wherever you are.
I really don't have anything that is like burning inside of me to share. Not a lot has happened. Life is good though. Lauren and I are doing really well. We are going to get to spend more time than usual with each other this weekend. She is going to a women's retreat with the BSU, and they will be staying here in Norman. So, when they are finished we are going to hang out some.
Last Sunday I started teaching the Freshman college students with Merideth Dake. I am really excited about what God is going to do. Everyone seems excited about it. It will be a lot of fun. Especially since Merideth and I are so different in a lot of ways, but our thinking is pretty much in line all the time.
She is an amazing communicator/speaker. One of the best in the country for our age groupe...literally. Where as I am not. I am a terrible speaker, and shy away from it. But I really want the students to grow in their passion for Christ, so I am more than willing to help. Merideth is choleric, and I am flegmatic. That is all there is to it. But I think it will be really good.
There is one thing that I really have been praying for lately. That is that God would reveal His glory and power at OU. I want to see OU have a spiritual awakening. I have been reading in I and II Kings lately, and God has really been showing me a lot of things. In I Kings 18:20-46 the story of Elijah proving God a LORD is told. And it really has just stuck with me. I read it again last night, and some things stuck out even more.
1st of all the way Elijah prepared the alter was extremely impressive to me. Israel was in the middle of a droubt, and he had buckets and buckets of water poured on the alter until the ground was soaking wet. It wasn't like the people of Israel had a lot of water to just give to a sacrifice that would not work. They were in the middle of a three year droubt. So them doing thing was sacrificial on their part.
Then Elijah's prayer was powerful. I asked that the LORD of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel answer him. He had been obedient to God, now he wanted God to show His people the He alone is God, that their hearts may turn back to Him.
Then God's fire. It consumed everything that it touched. It took up all of th water, dust, and stones on the groud. That would be so awesome! His people could not help but fall facedown and worship Him.
Lastly God's blessing. God sent rain for the first time in 3 years to his people.
So, my thought is that in order to see revival anywhere we have to take the steps that Elijah did. There is obviously more to the story and life of Elijah that is not told here. But he allowed God to do His will through him. Then he prepared himself for the time that God would make Himself known. He prayed diligent and with conviction for the people of Israel to fear God again. And he waited on God's perfect timing.
There are others praying for this to happen also. And we are starting to passionately pursue God in this matter. We are tired of the stronghold Satan has had on this campus since its conception, and we want God to do an incredible work in the lives of His people. So join us in praying for OU. But also pray that God will use you wherever you are.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
My Life in the Last 2 Weeks Summed Up in 10 Minutes
So, the last couple of weeks have been difficult for me. Which is part of the reason I haven't posted in a while. But since I am so popualar among my five readers, I guess that I will tell you what has been going on.
A little over two weeks ago, some things took place that were really difficult for me. I am not going to go into depth on here about it, but if you want to know more, just call. But I became really frustrated, and just confused about what I was supposed to do. Mainly because I felt like I couldn't do what I thought was expected of me. This one event began a week of mental torture. But God would use that to bring me to a point that I had been praying that He would bring me to, a point of brokenness.
As I dwelled more and more on that thing I realized, "I can't do this on my own." Now as Christians, we know that without God nothing is possible, but to really come to that realization is completely different. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on you own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your paths." I am really bad at this. I like to rely on what I know. Because to be honest, I know all the right answers. I know how to make myself look like I am doing just fine, when inside, I am torn to pieces. But I have to learn to trust the Lord with all my heart, and just leave everything up to Him.
As I went on during the week, I went into a deeper and deeper depression. That was going on, and I found out that one of my friends' parents are getting a divorce. So, I hurt for him. I began to feel really lonely and just needed to talk to someone. So, I did. I talked to my good friends Chris Krycho, Michael Hand, and Todd Heitmann. On Thursday, and Friday I talked to Todd a lot. Like...a lot a lot. And he encouraged me greatly. Then on Saturday, I went home after work and being with Lauren for a while, and I talked to mom and dad. And I just broke. I was crying like a baby, and it felt really good. I had not done that in a long time. God was breaking me.
On Sunday I went to church wanting to praise God, but I still just had a lot of grief in my heart. We were singing in church, and really the church was singing because I was not. I couldn't. It was physically not possible. So I began to just pray, and as I prayed I told God I just want to praise You even through this difficult time. And when I prayed that, I felt the freedom to praise Him through song. I was able to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:21). If I would have done that without praying for the first three songs, I would have dishonored God. And that was the last thing I wanted to do. So God broke me, and restored me over the course of that week. And He continues to restore me, but I will get to that later.
This past week has been better for me personally. But it has still been difficult. I have some friends that are just going through a really difficult situation. It is messy and sticky and just not good. Of courst God works all things for His good, but no one wants to go through what they are going through. So I have spent a really good portion of the week praying for them.
I completely switched places. I went from needing encouragement, to offereing encouragement. I had been reading in Galations a lot, especially over the break. And Paul talks about helping those who have been caught in a wrong doing with a gentle spirit in chapter 6 (I encourage you to read it for times like this). And I have tried to do that to the best of my ability. I am not in a position to say who is right or wrong, but I do know that pretty much everyone who has been wronged or has wronged someone knows anyways. So I am just praying for them intensly. God is working on people's hearts, and things will be alright eventually. It is just going to take time.
Then yesterday and today have been great. First Southern had Disciple Now this week. I was not able to lead a group, but I was able to go last night, and the speaker and band lead this morning also. Chris Brooks spoke over the week. This was his second year in a row to do so. And once again he hit home runs. Last night he talked about the Prodigal son, and it was very convicting. We truly do need to run back to Christ and repent of being hypocritical as a church. Also, Chuck Denny lead worship again this year. This was his second year in a row also. And he was wonderful once again. I was able to bring Lauren, and Aaron Gayle who goes to OU. I hope that God worked on their hearts as He did mine.
Chris and Chuck lead this morning, and it was great. The challenge me to know God's Word better, and the worship Him with all of my being in every part of life. So God has continued to restore me, and I love Him because of that. He has basically been doing that since I came to know Him when I was eleven.
So praise God! Even when things are difficult praise Him.
James 1:2-4
A little over two weeks ago, some things took place that were really difficult for me. I am not going to go into depth on here about it, but if you want to know more, just call. But I became really frustrated, and just confused about what I was supposed to do. Mainly because I felt like I couldn't do what I thought was expected of me. This one event began a week of mental torture. But God would use that to bring me to a point that I had been praying that He would bring me to, a point of brokenness.
As I dwelled more and more on that thing I realized, "I can't do this on my own." Now as Christians, we know that without God nothing is possible, but to really come to that realization is completely different. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on you own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your paths." I am really bad at this. I like to rely on what I know. Because to be honest, I know all the right answers. I know how to make myself look like I am doing just fine, when inside, I am torn to pieces. But I have to learn to trust the Lord with all my heart, and just leave everything up to Him.
As I went on during the week, I went into a deeper and deeper depression. That was going on, and I found out that one of my friends' parents are getting a divorce. So, I hurt for him. I began to feel really lonely and just needed to talk to someone. So, I did. I talked to my good friends Chris Krycho, Michael Hand, and Todd Heitmann. On Thursday, and Friday I talked to Todd a lot. Like...a lot a lot. And he encouraged me greatly. Then on Saturday, I went home after work and being with Lauren for a while, and I talked to mom and dad. And I just broke. I was crying like a baby, and it felt really good. I had not done that in a long time. God was breaking me.
On Sunday I went to church wanting to praise God, but I still just had a lot of grief in my heart. We were singing in church, and really the church was singing because I was not. I couldn't. It was physically not possible. So I began to just pray, and as I prayed I told God I just want to praise You even through this difficult time. And when I prayed that, I felt the freedom to praise Him through song. I was able to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:21). If I would have done that without praying for the first three songs, I would have dishonored God. And that was the last thing I wanted to do. So God broke me, and restored me over the course of that week. And He continues to restore me, but I will get to that later.
This past week has been better for me personally. But it has still been difficult. I have some friends that are just going through a really difficult situation. It is messy and sticky and just not good. Of courst God works all things for His good, but no one wants to go through what they are going through. So I have spent a really good portion of the week praying for them.
I completely switched places. I went from needing encouragement, to offereing encouragement. I had been reading in Galations a lot, especially over the break. And Paul talks about helping those who have been caught in a wrong doing with a gentle spirit in chapter 6 (I encourage you to read it for times like this). And I have tried to do that to the best of my ability. I am not in a position to say who is right or wrong, but I do know that pretty much everyone who has been wronged or has wronged someone knows anyways. So I am just praying for them intensly. God is working on people's hearts, and things will be alright eventually. It is just going to take time.
Then yesterday and today have been great. First Southern had Disciple Now this week. I was not able to lead a group, but I was able to go last night, and the speaker and band lead this morning also. Chris Brooks spoke over the week. This was his second year in a row to do so. And once again he hit home runs. Last night he talked about the Prodigal son, and it was very convicting. We truly do need to run back to Christ and repent of being hypocritical as a church. Also, Chuck Denny lead worship again this year. This was his second year in a row also. And he was wonderful once again. I was able to bring Lauren, and Aaron Gayle who goes to OU. I hope that God worked on their hearts as He did mine.
Chris and Chuck lead this morning, and it was great. The challenge me to know God's Word better, and the worship Him with all of my being in every part of life. So God has continued to restore me, and I love Him because of that. He has basically been doing that since I came to know Him when I was eleven.
So praise God! Even when things are difficult praise Him.
James 1:2-4
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